
Day of the Dead


In Mexico, a vibrant and unique tradition unfolds each year, a celebration that brings together the living and the departed in a joyous and meaningful way. Día de Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a colorful and heartfelt tribute to those who have passed away, a time to honor their memory, and a celebration of life itself. This captivating tradition showcases the deep-rooted connection between Mexican culture and its reverence for ancestors, inviting people to embrace the cycle of life and death in a truly special manner.

Origins and significance of Día de Muertos


Día de Muertos traces its origins to pre-Columbian times when indigenous cultures, particularly the Aztecs, celebrated the lives of deceased loved ones through rituals and offerings. These practices were intertwined with their beliefs about death being a natural continuation of life. With the arrival of Spanish conquistadors, these indigenous customs merged with Catholic traditions, resulting in the unique and vibrant celebration we witness today.

Celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, Día de Muertos aligns with the Catholic holidays of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. However, its essence is distinctively Mexican, characterized by colorful altars, ornate sugar skulls, marigold flowers, and vibrant processions.

Día de Muertos: Altars of Remembrance


Central to Día de Muertos is the creation of ofrendas, or altars, dedicated to deceased loved ones. These altars are carefully adorned with a variety of items, including photographs, candles, food, and personal mementos. Each element serves a symbolic purpose, such as guiding spirits back to the world of the living and providing them sustenance for their journey.

Ofrendas are a poignant representation of the departed’s life, interests, and personality. Families and communities gather around these altars, sharing stories and anecdotes that keep the memory of loved ones alive. It’s a time of reflection, connection, and shared appreciation for the lives that were lived.


Marigolds and sugar skulls


Marigold flowers, known as cempasúchil in Spanish, play a central role in Día de Muertos celebrations. Their vibrant orange and yellow hues are believed to guide the spirits to the altars, acting as a fragrant and colorful pathway between the realms. The scent of marigolds fills the air, creating an atmosphere of both solemnity and celebration.

Sugar skulls, or calaveras de azúcar, are another iconic element of the festivities. These intricately designed confections are often personalized with the names of deceased loved ones and are placed on the altars as a symbolic representation of the cycle of life and death. Families and artisans meticulously craft these sugar skulls, adding to the festive and creative spirit of the occasion.

Vibrant processions and festivities


Día de Muertos is marked by lively parades and processions that fill the streets with music, dance, and exuberant costumes. Participants paint their faces as calaveras, or skulls, often transforming themselves into joyful and whimsical versions of death. These processions are a celebration of life, a reaffirmation of the unbreakable bond between the living and the departed.

In various regions of Mexico, communities come together to create magnificent displays and installations that showcase the artistry and creativity inspired by Día de Muertos. From massive public altars to intricate sand tapestries, these expressions of devotion and artistry are a testament to the enduring power of this tradition.


Día de Muertos is a testament to the richness of Mexican culture, a celebration that bridges the gap between the realms of the living and the dead. It is a time when memories are honored, stories are shared, and life is celebrated with profound joy and reverence. This colorful and heartwarming tradition reminds us that death is a part of the natural cycle of existence, and that through remembrance, we keep the spirits of our loved ones alive in our hearts and in our culture. This special day is a truly unique and captivating celebration that touches the soul and invites us to cherish life in all its forms.


​The movie “Spectre” depicted a great parade associated with Día de Muertos (which in reality never took place). Mexico took it as a hint to enhance the celebration and in 2016 organized the first street parade on October 29th for the Día de Muertos, which gathered 250 000 spectators!

​Next year be sure that you will not miss the event! It will take place the last weekend of October!


Watch the video explaining the origins:


Watch the 2016 parade!


… and 2017:



And if you really want to understand the special connection of Mexico and the death, watch the Coco movie: